Get the cold-weather skincare tips you need to keep your child’s skin healthy during the winter months and prevent it from becoming chapped. You will want to use a humidifier, moisturizer, water, and clothes/blankets to help protect the skin.
We live in a climate that gets very dry and cold in the winter. This can make life very uncomfortable when it comes to your skin. Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can be more susceptible to dry skin because the skin is not fully developed yet.
Use a Humidifier
A humidifier is an absolute must for us at our house. We have humidifiers all over the place and I make sure they are running all day every day. I see a big difference in my skin and even my lungs using a humidifier.
My husband has more oily skin and never uses lotion, but if we do not have a humidifier going in the winter, his skin dries out significantly.
I just plan on needing to replace a humidifier every 1-2 years because they are really hard to keep perfectly clean. I clean the humidifier regularly, but even still, I just know it will eventually get mold in it. So don’t spend too much money on one–just find one rated well enough to last 1-2 years.
This is my current favorite for a smaller room (like a bedroom). This is my current favorite for a larger space–and I keep it on high. You could probably use it in a small room without turning it into a rainforest if you had it on low.
Use Moisturizer
Always lotion your kiddos skin as soon as you get out of the bath. It is ideal while the skin is still damp, so make it part of your routine when you get out of the bath.
Make sure you use a good moisturizer that works well. Some popular brands are Aquaphor, Aveeno, Cerave, Eucerin, Vanicream, and Bert’s Bees.
Limit Baths and Showers
I love a shower every day, especially when it is cold outside. It really warms you up. Daily baths can be awesome for entertaining your kids when it is bad weather outside; bathtime turns into a fun daily activity!
Despite those things being true, you might find that a daily bath is not good for your child’s skin. I had kids who could take a bath each day with no trouble, but I had one daughter who had eczema when she was a baby and young toddler. We needed to limit baths for her.
You might find you can only do every other day or maybe even just 2-3 times per week.
Protect Skin in the Cold
When you are outside, keep your little one’s skin protected from the cold. Keep skin covered up so the cold, dry air does not irritate the skin. Wind makes it even worse. If you have exposed skin, you can put a rich cream moisturizer on that skin (like the cheeks) just before going out to prevent chapping.
Stay Hydrated
It is hard for your body to keep the skin moisturized if you are not drinking enough. Make sure your baby or child stays hydrated.
Use Good Skin Products
Good skin products are expensive, but you want to use good skin products so they actually work well. Make sure you do not use products that irritate your kiddo’s skin, and make sure you use products that are effective.
These tips will help you keep your child’s skin as healthy as possible during the dry, cold winter months. You definitely need to be mindful and diligent to keep things healthy!
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