17 year old teen girl information and helps. See all about her daily life as a teen girl and get the teen schedule. Talking about school, volunteering, and daily life for teens.
This is the latest on Kaitlyn from 16.75-17 years old.
Eat and sleep are good. For a period of time in this period, Kaitlyn was going sugar free. This takes a couple of weeks to be physical comfortable with. Then it is pretty easy until you have sugar again. Then it is hard to go back.
She also had some different sleep schedules. She got up early to go to the gym early each morning, so she also went to bed very early each evening (like by 8 PM).
School is good! She is doing great in he classes. She also took the ACT and did very well. She has taken a lot of college classes and continues to.
She finished up her helping with the musical at the elementary school. She was very reliable and always there. It can be really hard for teens to commit to volunteering for something over a period of time. Things always come up that are more exciting and appealing than the volunteer job. I am really proud of her for always being there and not backing out of it.
Kaitlyn got to go on her 17 year old trip during this time period.
Nate and I decided many years ago that before each child graduated from high school, we wanted to take them on a trip with just them and us. We let them choose where to go.
Kaitlyn chose to go to Kauai. She loves to do adventure and loves the sun, so it was the perfect fit!
See a reel of our trip here.
During this time, she played soccer and took piano lessons.
She also did a singing competition. It was very fun to watch her. She sang one of her original pieces and was the only one to do an original piece. It was great!
4:30 AM Get up and get ready for school
7:30 AM Leave to go to school.
3:00 PM Get home from school
5:30 PM Dinner (typically)
8:00 PM Goes to bed